Thursday, July 15, 2010

Building Blender 2.5: Success! ^_^

After successfully compiling Blender 2.5 on my Linux Mint OS, I decided to create a batch script to automate the update and build process:


cd ~/blender-svn/blender/
svn up
python scons/ -j 2

Thanks a lot to François Tarlier for suggesting to build on my own. ^_^


Anonymous said...

Here's mine:

cd `dirname "$0"`
echo 'Downloading blender...' && \
sleep 2 && \
svn up && \
echo 'Building blender...' && \
sleep 2 && \
python scons/ -j 3 && \
echo 'Success.'
echo 'Press enter to exit...'
read enter

But it must be placed in the ~/blender-svn/blender/ folder as it uses dirname $0 :)

Unknown said...

dexterabc: Cool! It helps to add the prompts. ^_^