Thursday, March 7, 2013

What The


Progression video can be found at

Hi, everyone!

I present to you one of my attempts to deviate from a moody/sad/depressing theme of artwork. I hope I'm successful.

(click to enlarge)
This was my entry to the Blenderguru Video Game Competition

Had so much fun on this one and learned quite a bunch of stuff - from learning to control procrastination to creating the appropriate visual decisions versus technical limits.

Made with: Blender 2.66 and GIMP
Rendered with: Cycles

And here's a screenie from Blender:

(click to enlarge)

I would love to hear your thoughts, please. Thanks so much for viewing! ^_^


Buy me a cup of coffee? ;)


Menzi said...

Wow. Thank you for sharing.

Menzi said...

Wow. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

excellent work! youre my hero and rival. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

excellent work! youre my hero and rival! I hope to gain some of the lighting skills from ya.

anatoly techtonik said...

very inspiring stuff =)