Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blender Fire Test

Looking over at Houdini's website ( and on their gallery page, I was awed and envied at how amazing the results were with their fire and fluid simulator and if I can remember it right, I was simply staring blankly on the screen as my movie player played over some of the videos I have downloaded. "WTF" was constantly reverberating through my head as if a seatmate was actually shouting over right at my ear. But the Blender lover and fan that I am, I couldn't bear the fact that other apps are standing blatantly boasting their wicked stuff while I watch barenaked imagining at daylight.

And so right after I gained my artistic consciousness, I went over at my station and started doing my stuff. RMB here, RMB there, press here, press there.

Here it is. Hope you like it. ^_^

Setup, modeled, and composited with: Blender

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