Friday, November 21, 2008

Videos Appearing Grayish Problem

Hi, folks. Two days ago, I have had a very frustrating problem with my videos/animations played over on my favorite and trusted video player (media player classic). Everything I view on my player (AVI, MOV, MP4, etc.) appear desaturated, if not grayish, and this is really a pain in the ass, especially when you wanted to really take a closer look on the colors of your animations/videos.

I searched the internet for possible solutions but with no luck, I haven't found anything that's really relevant to what I have experienced. With these said, just minutes ago, I figured out what whas wrong and eventually found a simple solution to this problem.

While unpurposefully checking my graphics card settings, I noticed something was really unusual, my saturation has been really set too low (for a reason I still haven't found out). So what I did was to restore the settings to its default, and voila, solution solved. Now I'm having a great time previewing my videos on to mplayer.

I hope this could be helpful to you.

P.S.: I'm not pretty sure if this solution solves other problem where there's a different graphics card installed.

Below are the screenshots of the process (click images for larger view):

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